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1st in Tokyo
2nd in Beijing
3rd in Seoul
4th in Ulaanbaatar
5th in Yakutsk
6th in Irkutsk
7th in Tokyo
8th in Shanghai
9th in Seoul
10th in Novosibirsk
11th in Tokyo
12th in Ulaanbaatar

The 3rd International Conference on
Northeast Asian Natural Gas Pipeline in Seoul

November 4-7, 1997

Host : Korea Pan-Asian Natural Gas & Pipeline Association
Asian Pipeline Research Society of Japan
China National Petroleum Corporation
Participants : 212 participants from 15 countries.


1.Opening & Keynote Speech
  Recent Advances in Highly Efficient Power Generation Technologies Based on Natural Gas Utilization to Reduce CO2 Emission
Prof. Masaru Hirata, Vice President of Asian Pipeline Research Society of Japan, Japan
  19 presentations on outlook of natural gas demand and supply in Northeast Asia and multilateral cooperation scheme for natural gas development and pipeline construction and so on.

Session1 The Natrual Gas Demand-Supply Outlook and Utilization in Northeast Asia

1. Worldwide Gas Supply/Demand
Dr. Andrew F. Dyke, BP Exploration, UK
2. World Natural Gas Demand & Supply Outlook
Mr. Samuel A. Van Vactor, President, Economic Insight Inc., USA
Prof. Tussing Arlon, Professor, President, University of Alaska Anchorage Arlon R. Tussing & Associates, Inc., USA

Indonesia's Views on Future Gas Supply
Mr. H. Baharuddin, Senior Vice President Director Corporate Affairs, Pertamina, Indonesia

4. Natural Gas Utilization & Long-Term Demand Outlook in Korea
Dr. Ki-Joong Kim, Director of Gas Policy Research Division Korea Energy Economics Institute(KEEI), Rep.of Korea
5. Natural Gas Demand Outlook of Japan
Dr. Kengo Asakura, Research Director Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., Japan
6. Development Trend of Resource, Production and Demand Natural Gas in China
Prof. Hu Jianyi, Vice President Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, China National Petroleum Corporation, China

Session 2:The Multinational Cooperation Scheme for PNG Project in Northeast Asia

1. An International Cooperation Scheme for the Execution of Gas Pipeline Project
Dr. Yeam-Hong Park, Director of Economic & Managerial research Div., Korea Gas Corporation, Rep.of Korea
2. Economic Aspect of Multilateral Cooperation for the Stability and Development of Asia-Pacific Region
Rt. Hon. Taro Nakayama, Chairman of Research Commission of Foreign Affairs, Liberal Democratic Party, Japan
3. The View of Related Countries on the Cooperation Scheme
Mr. Victor Milovanov, General Director, VIPIGAZDOBYCHA(Gazprom), Russia
Mr. Dolgorusuren Gansukh, Vice President, NIC Co., Mongolia

Session 3:The Analysis of Regulations and Financing Related to the PNG Project

1. Contractual Issues Common to Multi-National Pipeline Projects
Mr. David A. Riso, Senior Counsel Mobil Services Co., LTd., UK
2. The Case Study of Law Related Issues and Regulation of Multi-National Pipeline Project and Other
Peter Andrews, B.P.Exploration, UK
3. Project Financing for Natural Gas Pipeline -Insured vs. Non-Insured
Mr. Maurice Purslow, Managing Director, ZURICH Global Energy, Switzerland
4. Project Finance of the Export-Import Bank of Japan
Mr. Koichi Yajima, Assistant director General Policy Planning and Coordination Dept., The Export-Import Bank of Japan, Japan
5. PSA Legislation of Russia
Dr. Andrei A. Konoplyanik,Executive Director, The Russian Bank for Reconstruction & Development, Russia

Session 4:The Technical Consideration and Other Related Issues

1. The Technical Ingredients for Optimum Pipeline Designs in Natural Gas Transportations
Dr. Seung-Yong Chang, R&D Training Center, Korea Gas Corporation, Rep.of Korea
2. Serving Asian Gas Market : The Pipeline Option
Mr.Pierre Barbalat, General Manager, Corporate Gas Marketing, Total, France
3. Interconnection of European Gas Grids
Mr. Guy Delile Maniere, Director Planning Dept., Production & Transmission Division of GDF, France

At the round table discussion in Session 5, the representatives of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea adopted the statutes and established a non-profitable organization, the Northeast Asian Gas and Pipeline Forum(NAGPF)

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