The 9th
International Conference on Northeast Asian Natural Gas and
Pipeline: Multilateral Cooperation
27-29 September, 2005 Grand
Intercontinental Seoul,
Korea |
From 27-29 September 2005 in Seoul, Korea, some 200
participnats who are representatives from industry, government,
international organization and academia in Northeast Asian
countries, Russia, China, Korea, Mongolia and Japan - and other part
of the world gathered and exchanged their views, future visions and
the latest information on natural gas and its infrastructure in the
region. This conference is the most important gathering on Northeast
Asian natural gas in 2005 and it focused on the natural gas projects
in the region, especially on east Siberia and the Far East of Russia
and the northeast Asian countries' policies on promotion of natural
gas use and pipeline network development.
For the outcome of the conference, click
- to discuss Northeast Asian issues on natural
gas and pipeline,
- to exchange academic and business
- to promote mutula understanding amongst the
participants and
- to contribute to the rapid promotion of the
operational Northeast Asian Natural Gas Pipeline
Please refer to the
- Energy Policy of Northeast Asia Region
focusing on Natural Gas
- Issues on Cross-border Pipeline in Northeast
- Current Status & Prospects for Natural Gas
Export from Russia to Northeast Asian Region
- Presentation of the 3rd International Joint
Research by the NAGPF
Optimizatoin of Natural Gas Supply and Demand
Structure - Competition and Harmonization between PNG and
Chairman |
Mr. Hyn Bum Sunwoo President,
Northeast Asian Gas &Pipeline Forum (NAGPF) President,
Korea Pan-Asian Natural Gas & Pipeline Association (KPGA)
Co-chairman |
Mr. Fumio Satoh President, Asian
Gas & Pipeline Research Society of
Mr. Shi Xunzhi President, Asia Gas
& Pipeline Cooperation Research Center of China (AGPRCC)
Prof. Boris. G. Saneev President,
Asian Pipeline Research Society of the Russian
Federation(ROSASIAGAS) |
Mr. Battumur Chimmiddorj Head,
Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority of
Mongolia(MRPAM) |
Conference Director |
Prof. Masaru
Hirata General Secretary, Northeast Asian Gas
& Pipeline Forum (NAGPF) Vice President, Asian Pipeline
Research Society of Japan (APRSJ) |
Co-Director |
Dr. Myeong-Nam Kim
Director, Korea Gas Corporation |