The 10th International Conference on Northeast
Asian Natural Gas Pipeline: Multilateral Cooperation
18-19 September, 2007 "House of
Scientists" Academ Gorodok, Novosibirsk,
Russia |
1. Objectives
The 10th International Conference on
Northeast Asian Natural Gas and Pipeline was held at "House of
Scientists", Nobosibirsk, on September 18th and 19th,
The objectives of the Conference are:
- To discuss Northeast Asian issues on natural
gas and pipeline.
- To exchange academic and business information
amongst the participants
- To contribute tto the rapid promotion of
natural gas infrastructure in Notheast
About 150 representatives
from business and scientific circles and public organizations
participatee in the Conference.
The objective of the 10th International Conference on Northeast Asian Natural Gas and Pipeline held in Novosibirsk, Russia is to work out comprehensive decisions and offer the recommendations to the governments of both natural gas producing and utilizing countries. Their realization will provide for satisfying the demand for natural gas in Russia, and will enhance the optimization of fuel-and-energy balance in East Siberia and the Far East areas, and to the effective pipeline-gas and LNG export supplies to Northeast Asian countries at mutually beneficial prices, secured by guaranteed long-term Russian gas deliveries to the recipient countries.
2. Speakers
Please refer to the
3. Session Main Subject: "Russian natural gas
development and its utilization enhancement in Northeast Asia"
- Energy Policy of Northeast Asian Countries
focusing on Natural Gas
- The Asia Pacific Market and Expectatoin for Russian Natural Gas
- Prospects for Development of Gas Industry in East Siberia and the Far East and Potential Markets
- New Era of Natural Gas Related
- Special Report from NAGPF Secretariat "Long-term Vision of Natural Gas Infrastructure in Northeast Asia(Year 2007 Version)
| |
Chairman |
Acad. Alexey E. Kontorovich President,
Northeast Asian Gas & Pipeline Forum (NAGPF) Member of
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sicence Presidium(SB RAS)
Co-chairman |
Mr. Shi Xunzhi President, Asian Gas &
Pipeline Cooperation Research Center of China
Mr. Fumio Satoh President, Asian Gas
& Pipeline Research Society of Japan(APRSJ) |
Mr. Hyn Bum Sunwoo President, Korea
Pan-Asian Natural Gas & Pipeline Association (KPGA)
Mr. Battumur Chimmiddorj Head, Production
Sharing Contracts & New Ventures Department, Mineral Resources
and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia(MRPAM) |
Prof. Boris G. Saneev President, Asian
Pipeline Research Society of the Russian Federation
Conference Director |
Prof. Masaru
Hirata General Secretary, Northeast Asian Gas &
Pipeline Forum (NAGPF) Vice President, Asian Pipeline Research
Society of Japan (APRSJ) |
Secretariat |
NAGPF Dr. K. Hiraishi, Secretary
General of APRSJ
c/o Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and
Geophysics(IPGG) Dr. Sergey F. Bakhuturov | |