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1st in Tokyo
2nd in Beijing
3rd in Seoul
4th in Ulaanbaatar
5th in Yakutsk
6th in Irkutsk
7th in Tokyo
8th in Shanghai
9th in Seoul
10th in Novosibirsk
11th in Tokyo
12th in Ulaanbaatar

The 8th International Conference
on Northeast Asian Natural Gas Pipeline(PNG2004):
Multilateral Cooperation

8-10 March, 2004
Courtyard Marriott Pudong
Shanghai, China
Host : Northeast Asian Gas and Pipeline Forum / Japan
Asia Gas & Pipeline Cooperation Research Centre of China/China
Co-Hosts : Korea Pan-Asian Natural Gas & Pipeline Association
Asian Pipeline Research Society of Japan
Petroleum Authority of Mongolia
Participants : 232 participants from 11 countries and areas.

    1.Keynote Speech

    1. Energy Investments and Transit in Northeast Asia -The Role of the Energy Charter Process-
      Dr. Ria Kemper, Secretary General of Energy CHarter Secretariat
    2. The Development Plan and Strategy of Natural Gas in China
      Mr. Bai Rongchun, Director, Energy Bureau, The State Development and Reform Commission, China
    3. Russia's Interest and Korean Perspective on Gas Pipeline Project in Northeast Asia
      Prof. Sang-Gon Lee, President, Korea Energy Economics Institute, South Korea

    2.Special Speech

    1. Energy Security in Northeast Asia and Regional Economic Integration
      Mr. Kazuyuki Katayama, Director, Energy Resources Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
    2. Diversifying Energy Sources of Northeast Asia : Role of Government Initiative toward Sustainable Development
      Mr. Kensuke Kanekiyo, Managing Director, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
    3. Prospects and Challenges for Natural Gas Market in China -Findings from World Energy-
      Mr. Noe Van Hulst, Director of Long-Term Cooperation and Policy Analysis, International Energy Agency


    1. Energy Security and Sustainable Development in Northeast Asia and the Role of the Natural Gas Pipeline
    2. The Future of Natural Gas Development, Pipeline Projects and Market in China
    3. Prospects for Exporting Russian Natural Gas to China, South Korea and Japan
    4. Analysis of Natural Gas Resources, the Market and the Pipeline in Northeast Asia -Presentation of the 2nd International Joint Research by NAGPF-

    3. Technical Tour

    To the Gas Gate located on the outskirts of Shanghai. The Gas Gate is a facility of the West Gas To East pipeline and is scheduled to commence partial operations from the Ordos Basin to Shanghai during 2003.

      4. Organizing Committee

      Mr.Shi Xunzhi
      President, Northeast Asian Gas & Pipeline Forum (NAGPF)
      President, Asia Gas & Pipeline Cooperation Research Center of China (AGPRCC)
      Mr. Fumio Satoh
      President, Asian Gas & Pipeline Research Society of Japan(APRSJ)
      Mr. Hyn Bum Sunwoo
      President, Korea Pan-Asian Natural Gas & Pipeline Association (KPGA)
      Acad. Aleksei. E. Kontorovich
      Chairman, Asian Pipeline Research Society of the Russian Federation(ROSASIAGAS)
      Conference Director
      Prof. Masaru Hirata
      General Secretary, Northeast Asian Gas & Pipeline Forum (NAGPF)
      Vice President, Asian Pipeline Research Society of Japan (APRSJ)
      Dr. K. Hiraishi, Secretary General of APRSJ
      Mr. S. Waseda, Research Manager of APRSJ
      Ms. Y. Makishi, Assistant of APRSJ
      Ms. H. Nakajima, Assistant of APRSJ

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